1. In the 1930s, hungry people sometimes "raided" or threatened to raid merchants' stores to get food. What was a raid? Why do you think people took this action? What did they hope to get out of it?

  2. During the Depression years, many people were in poor health. What are some of the reasons for this?

  3. What happened to end the Great Depression in Newfoundland?

  4. Do you think that something like the Great Depression could happen again? Why or why not?


  1. Find in this essay the items on the dole ration for 1934 ($8.51 for a family of five). Find the cost of these items today. How much would the same dole ration be in today's prices? Could a family live on this?

  2. This essay has talked about many attitudes towards people who are poor. Make a list of these attitudes. Which attitudes do we still hear today?

  3. Choose one of the newspaper ads or pictures that go with this essay. Talk about, or write, what it tells you about the way things were at the time it was printed.