The Commissioners refused to see Pierce Power. They did agree to meet with the other members of the committee. Matches to light the stove and baking powder to make the bread rise were added to the dole orders. They were given a little more coal. But the Commissioners continued to turn down all the Unemployed Committee's major requests. They refused to give the unemployed men and women of St. John's what they needed most-work. The city was tense. The police believed there would be violence, perhaps even a riot. The Committee was openly angry in its comments about the Commission of Government, especially the commissioner in charge of health and welfare. John Puddister was a Newfoundlander. The unemployed believed he was more cruel towards them than were any of the British commissioners. Detective Mahoney tried to help the situation. He looked into complaints
about the dole office. In a report to the chief of police, Mahoney called
the dole officers Mahoney had noticed Mrs. Muir did not always follow the rules. He told the story of Michael Peddle of Wickford Street. This man was refused his dole after Mrs. Muir found out he was in the unemployed parade. The Unemployed Committee held meetings all that winter. No one would rent them a hall. They met outdoors on the courthouse steps and at Beck's Cove. The police reported it had become difficult to take notes because it was so cold. By February, Power was planning another parade. |
17 From Detective Mahoney's report to Police Chief O'Neill on January 11, 1935, notes taken from an unemployed meeting. 18 From Detective Mahoney's report to Police Chief O'Neill on Feb 7, 1935, notes taken from an unemployed meeting. |
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