Questions for Discussion
- What do you think happened to Tessie Murphy? Why?
- Is there a difference between
"consumption" and TB?
- How did a TB diagnosis affect a person's life? Was it different
for children and adults?
- Did the Newfoundland governments of the time do enough to stop
the spread of TB?
- Was TB a medical problem or a social problem?
- How did TB affect the poor as compared to the rich?
- How important was the M.V. Christmas Seal
in the 1940s, 50s and 60s? Why?
- Why did the M.V. Christmas Seal play
music as it came into port?
- Describe some of the activities carried out by the M.V.
Christmas Seal other than x-rays.
- What were some of the ways in which TB was spread?
- Discuss the impact of tuberculosis on families.
- What did older people think about TB and x-rays. Did they feel
differently than the young? If so, why?
- In the early years of the 20th century Newfoundland had the highest
rate of TB in the western world. Why?
- What parts of the body can be infected by TB?
- Describe some of the ways in which TB is spread.