Issues for Discussion

  1. The role of racial prejudice in immigration policy.

  2. Stereotyping.

  3. A comparison of the reasons behind the "outward migrations" of China, Ireland and Newfoundland.

  4. A comparison between Kwangtung Province and Newfoundland.

  5. The idea that John Cabot "discovered" Newfoundland.

  6. The reasoning behind the passing of the Chinese Immigration Act.

  7. Race relations and attitudes in the past as compared to today.

  8. The current $1000 Canadian head tax.

  9. The contributions varied races make to a society.

  10. A comparison of the Chinese and Irish immigration experiences.

Questions for Discussion

  1. Who were the first immigrants to Newfoundland?

  2. Where did most white immigrants to Newfoundland come from?

  3. Describe the work of an immigration officer.

  4. Where have many recent immigrants to Newfoundland come from? How have they been treated by the Newfoundland government and people?

  5. When did the Chinese first arrive in Newfoundland? Why did they come later than other immigrants?

  6. Which part of China did the Chinese immigrants mainly come from?

  7. What was the Disembarking of Paupers Act?

  8. Describe the Chinese Immigration Act. Why were the Chinese the only people required to pay a $300 tax? What would the cash value of the tax be today?

  9. Why do you think Chinese women were not allowed into Newfoundland?