Issues for Discussion

  1. The psychological impact of "no choice" migration.

  2. The treatment of workers in the 18th and 19th centuries as compared to today. What are the similarities and differences between the treatment of Newfoundland loggers in the 1930s, and the Irish "servants" of the 18th century migratory fishery?

  3. The social legacy of Catholic/Protestant relations.

  4. Rich versus poor and the politics of "class."

Questions for Discussion

  1. What does Talamh an Eisc mean?

  2. When did the Irish first start coming to Newfoundland? Why?

  3. When did the Irish first start to settle in Newfoundland?

  4. Give some of the reasons why some early Irish immigrants did not stay in Newfoundland. Where did they go?

  5. What does the "migratory" fishery mean? Are there any fisheries like this operating today?

  6. Where did the early Irish immigrants in Newfoundland first settle?

  7. At what period were there the most Irish in Newfoundland?

  8. How did the English and Irish get along in the 18th century? Was this true for Newfoundland as well as Ireland? What were some of their major differences?

  9. What were the Penal Laws? Why would the English bring in such laws?

  10. Describe the impact of the "Great Famine" on Ireland. What caused it?

  11. What effect did the Great Famine have on Newfoundland?

  12. What part of Ireland did most Irish immigrants to Newfoundland come from? What was this part of Ireland like?

  13. Describe life for a new Irish immigrant in Newfoundland.

  14. How did the English in Newfoundland feel when the Irish population started to increase? What did they do about this? How did the Irish react?

  15. What was a labour contract? Describe how a "surety" worked.