Questions for Discussion

The struggle over Mi'kmaq history

  1. Describe the joke told to explorer J.G. Millais by his Mi'kmaq guides.

  2. Why wouldn't Mi'kmaq people think their joke is funny today?

History, Salmon nets and Mi'kmaq people

  1. Tony and Jim John were not trying to catch any fish when they set their net on the Gander River. Why did they set the net?

  2. The issue of native fishing rights has divided native and non-native people in the Glenwood area. Explain both sides of the conflict.

  3. There are two different versions of Mi'kmaq history in this chapter. Which version are you familiar with? Where did you learn about it?

  4. The author of this essay says the conflict in Glenwood is about history, status and rights. What does she mean?

Walking through time

  1. Michael Joe uses plants and trees for his cures. Describe his cure for a sore throat. Do you know of any natural cures used in the past. Do you know of any other local plants or trees used as medicine today?

  2. Why does the author think it is easy to imagine Michael Joe's ancestors in the bush?

  3. Michael Joe is the chief of Conne River. Compare his job with the job of a small town mayor.

A trip to Newfoundland in the 15th century

  1. The Mi'kmaq people did not have maps or compasses. How did they find their way from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland?

  2. The author says this story is fictional but the facts are true. What does she mean?