Resettlement Again?

Rural Newfoundland, 1996

There has been no government resettlement of people in Newfoundland for 25 years. But as soon as the northern cod moratorium happened, there was talk about people leaving small communities. Some of the talk sounds a lot like what was said about resettlement in the 1960s.

Since the cod moratorium, many people have gone away. People have packed up and left small communities. Some have left the province. With no fishery, many people have had to live on TAGS funding, money that is running out. The make-work projects dried up a few years ago. In many places, roads, schools and water lines are in need of repair. People have lost some of the services they fought hard for in the past.

Many people have ideas about what should be done. Governments talk about new kinds of jobs. Letters to the editor in newspapers say there is no life for small fishing communities now. Articles in newspapers have urged people to move away.

Some people say resettlement can be many things. Does closing small schools push people to resettle? Here is what a woman wrote in a letter to The Evening Telegram in 1996.

The government did an injustice in the 1960s with resettlement. Now they are forcing the same on us. If our children are moved out of their community, the government is really herding us toward a central location-the community to which our children are bused.13

This woman felt that losing a school would mean losing other things. If people lose the services they depend on, they may feel that the place where they live is not a good place any more. The closing of a school or a hospital, or a road left in bad repair, reminds people of a past when people had to move or put up with no services at all.

Resettlement brings out strong emotions in Newfoundlanders. These strong feelings can be found in the pages of The Pilot, a newspaper in Lewisporte. In February, 1996, the newspaper printed articles and letters about a rumour of resettlement. The rumour came from Change Islands. This is a small community close to Fogo Island. You can only get there by ferry.

13 From a letter to the editor, The Evening Telegram, February 22, 1996.