"My real life working experiences at Trails to Literacy really helps me with my work at the theatre where I work. I am fixing chairs and stuff and I know how to use wood and wood related tools. I've learned how to work with wood at the Trails workshop. Plus it gives me great experience with home projects and helping friends by giving them birdhouses. I enjoy being at the workshop."
Ricc McVicker,
Trails participant
Promote the project to learners already involved with your agency. Potential learners might also find this method of learning more appealing than the traditional classroom setting. The learners will need to see how the Trails project will provide activities in the learning opportunities, reinforce their other literacy/numeracy activities and demonstrate their learned skills. They should also understand how it fits into their overall learning plans and goals. The appeal of 'doing something for someone else' is also a good drawing card.
" I enjoy my time at the workshop. There are times when I am working in the office at the computer and listen to the conversations of the participants as they are problem solving through a building project. They have become a real team, and listen to everyone's ideas. I also like when I can ask a student to teach me to use one of the tools I haven't used before, especially when I know that 3 months ago that student would not have been able to do that."
Lori Farrington
Project Coordinator
Encourage existing staff to be involved and enthusiastic, as their assistance and support is necessary to a successful project.
Coordination amongst the staff is important. Adequate discussion, providing a clear outline of needs and expectations, ensures a smooth working relationship between staff and participants (and even staff and staff!). The necessity of keeping tutors/instructors 'up to speed' on the activities, the individual's progress and any supports needed cannot be understated. It enables the learning started within the Trails to Literacy project to be carried over into the other delivery options within the literacy agency. This proved to be an important part of coordinating and promoting a common theme on their training plan and learning development.