A total of seven literacy agencies participated in the initial phase of Trails to Literacy Around the Province. These seven agencies provided a sampling of community-based literacy programs from different areas of the province. They were: Enjikenadaasang Learning Centre serving the native community in the mid- north at Blind River, the Sound Learning Centre in Parry Sound on the shores of Georgian Bay, Prince Edward Learning Centre in Picton on Lake Ontario, Reading Routes (Napanee Community Learning Centre) in Napanee, Renfrew County Community Upgrading Program in Eganville, Lanark County Reading Network in Perth and the original pilot North Frontenac Literacy Program in Sharbot Lake.

A map of the counties of Onatario

In keeping with the ‘participatory’ approach of Trails to Literacy , each project’s concepts and activities are developed in a community context. Therefore, the planning, delivery and activities differ greatly. The timelines for each are also significantly different, both in the dates started and in the length of time to complete each phase. We will therefore present each project’s ’action’ separately.