The Sound Learning Centre joined Trails to Literacy in November of 2001. Originally they had plans of working with the local snowmobile groups on area trails but the winter weather proved uncooperatively warm and so the Centre turned to investigating alternative projects. One of the possibilities they looked at was working with a local food bank, helping design menus, coordinating inventory of donations, etc. However, while deciding on a project they were approached by the West Parry Sound District Museum. The museum's directors requested the Sound Learning Centre's help in designing and producing a specialty brochure for their museum.

The museum already had a brochure that guided visitors through the exhibits, but they felt there was a need for another geared to low literacy visitors who had difficulty with the existing guide. The museum staff felt that making this kind of guide available would encourage more people to visit and enjoy the museum.

The project was taken on by the Sound Learning Centre and is in the process of being developed. This undertaking will cover learning and practising a wide range of skills during its creation, such as: reading, writing, research, organizing, computers, graphic design, math, typing, speaking and listening, etc.