
Smart Goals


What is a goal?

A goal is something you want to do, to accomplish, or to achieve. It’s as simple as that. Usually a goal has some time line attached to it.

What is the difference between a goal and a dream?

Some people say that a dream is something you would like to happen, and a goal is something that you plan to happen. What do you think?

Why is Goal-Setting Important?

Many study problems such as procrastination, poor concentration, and lack of motivation are really caused by not having clear goals. Goal-setting is a skill that needs practise; it is a muscle that requires exercise. Without goals that are clearly defined, stated and written down, you will drift through life and certainly drift through your learning and study sessions.

If you do not have a clear vision of what is important to you in your life, you will be distracted by whatever crosses your path. It's not a bad thing to be curious and interested in those things that stray into your attention range. But without the focus you get by having defined goals and priorities you can easily be led off-track.

Be specific (not “Do some studying” but “Complete 15 problems”)
Be reasonable
Be measurable
Be rewarded