My parents are really lots of fun to be around, but not all the time. They are really special to me because I love them a whole lot with my heart. They are kind-hearted and carefree and easy to talk to and be around. My parents are teachers and they teach at two different schools. My dad teaches Latin at a high school named Michael Power/St. Joseph. My mom teaches at St. Cecelia’s Elementary School grade 3 and 4.
My aunts and uncles are auntie Betty, auntie Pat, uncle Paul, uncle Stephen and uncle Johnny. Auntie Betty is my favourite aunt because she is fun to be around and easy to talk to. She is a lot of fun.
I have two younger sisters, Sara and Lisa. Sara was born on June 9, 1980 and Lisa was born on November 11, 1981. Right now they are 22 and 21 years old.
When I was five years old, Sara and I used to share a bedroom. One day, when I was making strange breathing noises, Sara went to wake my parents up and told them I was making “weird noises”. They took me to the Sick Kids Hospital and they put a tube down my throat so I could breath. My sister Sara saved my life.
I used to take lots of “interesting things” when I was younger. I used to take swimming lessons with my sister Sara and gymnastics.
I miss going to school. I used to like playing with my sisters.
I did not like it when I heard that my grandmother died.
Through my teenage years, I use to go through teenage crises and growing pains. I also had tons of fun hanging out with my friends and doing stuff with my family.
When I was in high school, I took a class called co-op and I took a number of different co-op placements. I used to work in a school, a library, a hotel and a theatre. It was tons of fun. I met a lot of friends there.