When I was a little boy, I lived in Kingston. I lived in a house not an apartment. I liked it. We played. My sister Noreen was born in Toronto. My brother Howard was born in Kingston, like me. My Dad was an accountant. Mom stayed home to take care of us.
We had a big backyard I used to play in. The big backyard had lots of flowers and trees. We had a picnic table and lots of chairs. I used to play there with my dog, Debbie. We don't have Debbie any more. Debbie was black. We played in the sandbox. Mom was nervous to let us go outside because she was afraid we would get hurt in the traffic.
When I was a little boy, I remember I got lost in the mall. I was scared, but my mom found me. I went to Camp Reena in Huntsville. I went swimming in the pool and the lake. I cut grass and painted the dining room white.
When I was working there, I helped to dig up the garden. Then the girls planted the vegetables, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers and parsley. When it was my day off at camp, we went into town to cash our cheques. We went to movies, bought chips and went grocery shopping for camp. I enjoyed working at Reena because it was a nice camp and I got paid. Somebody bought the camp.
My Mom was a great cook. She made roast beef, chicken and sometimes potatoes. Sometimes we bought ice cream cake for dessert.