- Often a volunteer would ask questions and would record one-word or short-phrase
answers on a separate piece of paper and the students would copy this onto
their trees.
- When the trees were done, it was time to start writing their autobiographies.
Again, we used the prompt questions to flesh out the one-word or short-phrase
responses on the trees. The information written on the trees provided the
source material to flesh out during the actual writing process.
- The finished trees were actually brainstorming maps that contained the
essence of what each student would then write about in more detail.
- Staff and volunteers worked with students over the course of the term to
complete their full autobiographies. The final drafts were then copy-edited
by staff for consistency in type, style, form, etc.
- The tree graphics were photographed digitally and photo-edited for inclusion
in this book.
- Blank trees are provided on the next pages with prompts to help you get
started creating your own Tree of Life.