I was born in Kingston, Ontario. When I was a baby I wore diapers and I was in a crib. I fell down the stairs and cracked my gums. I had to put ice on it.
When we moved to Toronto I had a pink room. I liked it. Raggedy Ann, Andy and Clowny were in the room.
I went to a special school. I learned math and writing. I had friends there.
My birthday is on December 10th. We usually have a birthday cake and lots of presents.
One time my brother, Michael, called me “sweetheart”. My brother Michael has two children named Corinna and Christopher. Their mom is Rosa.
My brother Robert lives in Ottawa and they have three children named Marlene, Steven and Tom. Robert comes sometimes on Friday.
I went to France on a pilgrimage. I met Celino. Patsy, Mary Jane and Amy came with me.