On Matt’s birthday, he invited lots of friends to the Rhino. The Rhino is a pub on Queen Street, not far from Matt’s apartment. They have good food there. Everyone particularly likes the nachos. This year everyone sat in the big green room where they have a long row of tables and enough seats for all Matt’s guests. Matt’s mom and David came to celebrate. Matt’s friends Ron, William, Sandy, Derek and Sandra were all there. Madeline, Matt’s goddaughter could not come because of Toronto’s smoking by-laws. She is too young to be in a smoky bar. Linda brought Matt a nice red candlestick. Tim bought Matt a jazz CD. Too many wonderful gifts to mention here but Matt appreciated them all. Some people had Keith’s lager. Matt usually orders a beer at the Rhino as it usually goes well with nachos. Of course Matt also had a birthday cake.

Some people call Matt “Chach” or “Chachi” after the “Happy Days” TV character. The reason for this is that Matt likes to pull his t-shirt sleeves up to his shoulders, Chachi style. Matt likes this nickname because only the people who care about him use it. Matt likes “Happy Days”.

Matt enjoys helping out with the cooking. Matt enjoys nachos and pizza with tomatoes, green peppers and pepperoni.