graphic of a photo of Ken Huculak Ken Huculak

I moved from Watrous to Saskatoon in 1973. All of my family now lives in Saskatoon.

I enjoy bike riding, playing ball, watching hockey and baseball. I also like using computers.

In my spare time I enjoy listening to music and taking my niece's dog out for a walk.

graphic of a photo of Thinh Thinh Kyi Thinh Thinh Kyi

I am originally from Burma. I moved to Canada in 1996. I am married and have three children. My eldest, Steven, is five years old, Michelle is three and a half years old and Joshua is six months old.

My hobbies are taking pictures and collecting stamps.

My dream goal is to finish Adult 12.

graphic of a photo of Mioa Ma Mioa Ma

I came from China three years ago. I have a happy family and a smart son. He is very good at math.

My hobbies include listening to music, reading novels and doing embroidery. I practice Tai Chi and I am a good ping pong player.

have a chemistry background. My goal is to learn a new technology. After I graduate from Adult 12, I hope to be a chemistry technician.

graphic of a photo of Tracy Martin Tracy Martin

My name is Tracy. My oldest is Nicole (7); my second youngest, Sam(4) will be going to school in the fall. Brandon my youngest is 3.

I came back to school to get my grade 12. My goal is to be a nursel. I want my kids to stay in school and have a good education. It is harder when you are an adult because you have to remember all you knew back then. I hope that my kids grow up to be something great.