Spell Check

Spell Check

Spell check helps you find and correct spelling mistakes.

Spell Check

How do I know if I spelled a word wrong?

Words that are spelled wrong have a red line under them.
You see this:

picture of a word underline in red

How do I check the spelling of a document?

  1. Click Spell Check.
  2. The spell check stops when it finds a spelling mistake.
  3. For example, the word 'computer' is spelled wrong:
  4. Find the word Replacements.
  5. These words are spelled correctly.
  6. Click the word you want.
  7. Click Replace.
  8. When the spell check is finished, you see: picture of a prompt box saying spell check complete
  9. Click Yes.

Sometimes the computer doesn't understand your word. Ask somebody to help you spell the word.

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