Line Spacing

You can change the space between the lines.

Line spacing

Single space
Nova Scotia is a small province in Canada. The capital city is Halifax. It is on the Atlantic Ocean.

1.5 space

Nova Scotia is a small province in Canada. The capital city is Halifax. It is on the Atlantic Ocean.

Double space

Nova Scotia is a small province in Canada.

The capital city is Halifax. It is on the

Atlantic Ocean.

How do I change the line spacing?

  1. Select the sentences you want to line space.
  2. Click Format.
  3. Click Line.
  4. Click Spacing.
  5. You see this:
    Line Spacing
  6. Click scroll barin the Spacing box to change the spacing.
    • 1.0 is single spacing
    • 2.0 is double spacing
  7. Click OK.

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