—. (2005, May 11). www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/050511/d050511b.htm.

—. (2005, November 30). www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/051130/d051130b.htm.

Who Is Responsible? (2005, November 1). Commissioner’s statement, Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities. Ottawa: Government of Canada.

Organizations, publications, websites cited generally

Canadian Public Health Association, National Literacy and Health Program, Plain Language Service. Ottawa: www.pls.cpha.ca/english/start.htm.

CLAD (Clear Language and Design). Toronto: East End Literacy Project. www.eastendliteracy.on.ca/clearlanguageanddesign/start.htm.

Clarity, the journal of Clarity, an international association promoting plain legal language. International: www.adler.demon.co.uk/clarity/journals/default.htm.

Clear Communication. National Adult Literacy Database Inc. Fredericton, NB: NALD. www.clear.nald.ca.

Literacy Partners of Manitoba. www.mb.literacy.ca.

National Adult Literacy Agency. Government of Ireland, Department of Education & Science. www.nala.ie/about/.

National Literacy Program. Government of Canada. www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/gateways/nav/top_nav/program/nls.shtml.

Northwest Territories Literacy Council. Yellowknife, NT: www.nwt.literacy.ca.

PLAIN (Plain Language Association International). www.plainlanguagenetwork.org.

Plain Facts magazine. Bristol, UK: Norah Fry Research Centre. www.bris.ac.uk/depts/NorahFry/PlainFacts.

Plain Language Action & Information Network (PLAIN). Washington, DC, USA: Interagency Committee on Government Information. www.plainlanguage.gov.

Vocational and Rehabilitation Research Institute. Calgary, AB: www.vrri.org/plindex.htm.


Photosymbols: Professionally produced positive images of persons with disabilities. Bristol, UK. www.photosymbols.com.

PlainTrain, the Plain Language Online Training Program. www.web.net/~plain/PlainTrain.

StyleWriter: Plain-English writing software. Dursley, UK. www.editorsoftware.com.