Dressing for the Interview
Rule # 1: Never, ever wear jeans to an employment interview!
Clothing and accessories do not have to be expensive to make a good
impression, but they should always
be clean and in good taste.
The following basic rules apply to most occupations:
- Hairstyle can be fashionable, but not extreme and should be away
from your face.
- Simple clothes and quiet colours are best. Avoid flashy
or excessive jewellery.
- The conservative approach is always safe; skirts
are fine for professional, office, sales, public contact and
customer service jobs.
- No perfume at all is the best way to go. Many
people have allergies to scents.
- Don’t overdo the make-up and nail polish…avoid unusual
colours or very long nails.
For business, the professions, public contact and customer service,
wear a suit or sport coat and
pants, with matching tie, socks, shoes and shirt; no extreme styles or
loud colours.
For other jobs that are not as formal; A sports shirt and slacks are
fine, or if appropriate, the type of work clothes worn on the
job (except jeans).
The following suggestions apply to all types of jobs:
- Clothes must be neat, clean and pressed.
- Fresh shave, hair neatly
styled, and moustache, sideburns and beard neatly trimmed.
- Avoid
fads in appearance and dress.
- Neatness and cleanliness are important
whether applying in casual, business or work clothing.
Get an image consultation and appropriate
for your job search at no cost to you.
Call On Your Mark Employment Services for an appointment: 860-8677.