Project Literacy Kelowna Society
Tutor Networking Evening
“Pizza and Pointers”

Tutors! Here is your chance to get together with other tutors for an evening of networking, problem solving and success sharing! It’ll be a chance also to catch up with tutors in your training group and to meet other volunteers!

Please bring with you (or bring to office ahead of time) a concern and /or a tutoring tip. We hope to informally brainstorm and explore solutions to any problems you are encountering and to celebrate successes. In other words: What is working? What is not?

If there is interest, graphic: pizzawe will hold tutor get togethers on a regular basis, so please come out to our first meeting and help us determine the format and frequency of future meetings.

Date: Feb. 23/05
Time: 5:30-7:30
Place: PLKS office

Please RSVP to PLKS (762-2163) by Feb. 14th so we can plan refreshments!

Tutor Workshops

Topic: English as a Second Language

Date: May 6, 2005
Time: 9-12
Place: PLKS officegraphic: cartoon woman

Register by calling Janet at 762-2163 by May 1, 2005.

Okanagan wide tutor training event to be held April 9th.

Session will include Math, “Writing out Loud”, and writing mechanics. Please call PLKS (762-2163) for additional information.