Chapter Two – Theoretical and Applied Framework of the Study

This chapter will address both the theoretical and applied literature related to the study. The theoretical literature will highlight related learning and literacy discussions under the following sub–headings: situated cognition, situated learning, situated learning and adult education, literacy as social practice, and situated literacy. Following the theoretical literature will be a section—referred to as applied literature—which briefly presents studies in the field of adult literacy education that are related to this study. The studies will touch on the following areas: students in literacy programs, employment and literacy, adult literacy program models, and the impacts of literacy programs.

A: Theoretical Literature

This study was guided by learning and literacy theories within a sociocultural perspective. Evolving theories of situated cognition (Kirshner & Whitson, 1997) and situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998) served as overarching ideas that supported the development of the research questions, the study's discussion, and contributions. A particular interpretation of situated learning in adult education (Stein, 1998) was used in a more strident manner, and drove the development of the research questions and organization of the findings. In addition to these ideas of learning, it is also important to introduce similar sociocultural ideas related to literacy. Barton and Hamilton(2000) note the interconnection between learning and literacy: "Related to the constructed nature of literacy, any theory of literacy implies a theory of learning" (p.14). The two bodies of theoretical literature have much in common and draw from similar bodies of knowledge. It is also significant to the field of adult literacy education that sociocultural ideas related to both literacy and learning are evolving in such a similar fashion. Drawing on twointerrelated theoretical discussions can only help to support a movement away from an exclusively skills– and task–based view of adult literacy education towards a view that also incorporates social practices.