Unlike these experiences, the other placements did not have as many or any participation elements. Marion experienced feelings of isolation as she was left on her own most of the time in the women's section of the discount department store. Maritza left her placement after completing only four out of 12 weeks. Lastly, Rouda occasionally experienced minor conflict and competition from other volunteers who were also vying for a paid childcare position. Marion had the least to say about her placement experience. Her own shyness may have precipitated her reluctance to talk or she may have had very little to say about her experience due to the lack of interaction and challenge that she had. She was left alone to perform the same task each morning, and often left the store at noon without seeing the employee who had originally assigned her job. She was given little feedback, was not able to take on more challenging tasks, and did not have any social interaction with the employees. During the group interview, Marion was the only student who did not contribute to the discussion about placement experiences. Maritza was the only student who did not complete her placement. The reason
for this was not clear because Maritza gave different reasons for wanting to leave
the placement early. Initially, she told Carrie that her arthritis was acting
up because her hands were exposed to extreme water temperatures when preparing
food in the school board cafeteria. Then, in our interview, she revealed
that her priority was not to find a job but to help her son, Juan, who was
in danger of failing Grade 4. Perhaps she didn't feel challenged at the placement
and was not able to learn the jobs that she wanted. Early in her placement,
Maritza asked her supervisor if she could learn to use the cash register,
but the supervisor misunderstood her request. |
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