A concern that may arise is the impact of removing literacy skill activities,
such as a spelling dictation, which the students expected and wanted while
in the classroom. Again, the solution may be found within the students
themselves. There is a need to generate more student input in relation
to the coffee shop activities. Perhaps the classroom could be used to discuss,
plan, and implement ideas in relation to the operation of the coffee shop.
These ideas could also help students develop their literacy and numeracy
abilities. Perhaps students could come up with new ways to market the coffee
shop, explore different products for preparation and sale, begin to track
inventory on a database, do simple accounting on a spreadsheet, place food
orders, set schedules, and write–up invoices. Many of these activities
incorporated the literacy skills and tasks that have been predominant in the classroom.
In addition, there will need to be a period of transition during which both students and
instructors can be supported in their re–thinking of literacy development.
Emphasizing Practices
A primary question for programs related to the development of literacy
practices is, what kinds of practices do adults want to learn? Taylor
(2001) suggests there are four key organizing frameworks in adult literacy education:
community–based literacy, workplace literacy, school–based literacy, and family literacy.
These closely mirror the three goals of adult literacy education in this province:
literacy for further education, employment, and independence. It can be argued
that there are four domains of adult literacy education: work, school, family,
and community that match the goals of students who attend programs. In other
words, adults enter programs expressing the need to improve their literacy
within one or more of these domains. A mother might want to help her children with
their homework and read stories to them; a worker might need to improve literacy
in order to apply for a supervisory position; an adult with a disability may
want to become more active in a community organization; and a grandmother may want
to improve literacy to record her life story for her grandchildren. It will
be up to the program to translate an individual's goal into a literacy
practice (not just a set of skills and series of tasks), to learn a new vocabulary
to describe practices, and to determine how to support the development of new
practices. So how does a program translate a goal into learning and literacy
practices, and how can this be framed? How can a program get the vocabulary to describe
practices? And, how can the development of new practices be supported? Only
the final question will be addressed in this section. The first will be addressed
in the section related to research contributions, and the second, in the
section related to policy contributions.