Limitations of Situated Learning and Literacy Frameworks

As suggested above, situated learning—as it was presented and used in this study—is an ideal way to closely analyse the learning and literacy activities of the employment preparation program in order to present and discuss the elements that are needed to help programs adopt a literacy–as–practices approach to adult literacy education. It may be of limited use though when examining personal meanings, motivations, and impacts related to learning. The framework permits a pragmatic examination of literacy and learning compared to a more philosophical examination that addresses personal impacts and meanings related to learning. The reasons that these students attend the employment preparation program have more to do with their view of themselves, their place in the world, and their connection to the world. Perhaps Wenger's (1998) social theory of learning (in which learning is described as belonging, becoming, experiencing, and doing) could be a useful parallel or supporting framework. These components of learning are echoed throughout the study, and offer exciting ways to look at learning and assess the depth and breadth of learning for adults with low literacy abilities.

Further Research

Similar to previous ideas in this section, the analysis guide illustrated in Table 2 is only a starting point and needs to be used by different people in a variety of program settings to assess its usefulness. Then, how could the analysis guide be modified to support the analysis of settings outside a program? In addition, how does Wenger's social theory of learning work with the situated learning framework and the re–conceptualized definition of literacy?


This study has left me with three key understandings about program development for adults who, like the participants in the study, have low literacy levels and face multiple barriers to employment: 1) the need to focus on learning opportunities rather than literacy learning in program development; 2) how a literacy–as–practices approach can support these learning opportunities; and 3) the usefulness of understanding literacy development as skills, tasks, practices and critical reflection. In addition, I also gained a tremendous amount of confidence and understanding of the research process that I hope can be drawn upon in the future in order to continue this important work in the field of adult literacy education.