Another goal of this research was to draw upon sociocultural ideas of literacy
and learning—which have been underutilized despite encouragement to
do so (Darville, 2001; Sparks, 2002; Taylor & Blunt, 2001)—and
apply these ideas directly to a program setting. An "analysis of school learning
as situated requires a multilayered view of how knowing and learning are part of social
practice" (Lave & Wenger, 1991, p. 40). This study has analysed an innovative program
that has attempted to integrate literacy skill development and employment preparation. Only
one of its three program components is a formal classroom, incorporating
many of the traditional methods and approaches that can be found in a school setting.
As students experience all three settings, how do their ideas of learning
and literacy change? What are their insights? And what can a multilayered
situated analysis tell us about adult literacy education programs?
B: Applied Literature
Very few studies have applied the theoretical ideas presented in the previous
section—situated learning and situated literacy—to the field of adult literacy
education. Subsequently, the following section will focus for the most part
on the literature in a more indirect and generalized manner. Key concepts of
this study—the lives of the students, program delivery and development, employment
and literacy, and the impacts of literacy and employment preparation programs—have
been explored in order to place this study within a context of applied research in the field.
It is important to describe the kinds of students who attend adult literacy
programs in order to understand their needs and goals and to see how
the students who are the focus of this study are in many ways typical of
the students described in the following section. Descriptions of the students in programs will
be devised using a variety of studies: statistical descriptions based on
the IALS, qualitative studies that describe students' values related to education
and employment, and survey studies that reveal students' motivations
to attend programs. Overall, the studies produce a complex picture of students,
their strengths, and their challenges in meeting their educational and employment goals.