• You will then be asked to join a discussion group with me and the other students that I interview. You will all be asked questions about learning in the program. This discussion will last about one hour.
  • I may also ask to look at some of the work you do and make copies of the work for my research.

If you join the study, I will make sure that your name is not used and respect your rights.

  • A made–up name will be used whenever I write about what you told me.
  • All the information from the study will be kept in my home and will be private. The only people who will look at the information are myself and my supervisor at the university.
  • All the information will be kept for five years after the study, then I will destroy it.
  • You may leave the study anytime. You can choose not to answer any questions, and you can choose to stop the interview. You can also choose not to show me your work. Nothing will happen to you or the study if you do any of these things.

During the interview, I will ask you personal questions about your learning. You may not like this and you may feel uncomfortable. I will try to make sure that you always feel comfortable. Remember, you can stop the interview anytime and it does not matter. I hope the interview will help you learn more about yourself as a student and the way you learn.

The University of Ottawa Research Ethics Board has approved this research. If you want more information or want to complain about something, contact the Protocol Officer for Ethics in Research at the University of Ottawa, 562–5800, ext. 1787 or ethics@uottawa.ca. You may also contact my university supervisor, Dr. Maurice Taylor at 562–5800, ext. 4037.