In a recent study, 34 learners from different literacy programs in Eastern Ontario were asked what they hoped to gain from a program, and what they thought the main role of a program should be (Pinsent–Johnson, Shefler & Hagedorn, 2002). These questions were shaped using a guide that described the philosophical purposes for literacy education, such as liberal, vocational, humanist, and liberatory (Quigley, 1997). It was found that certain kinds of answers were attributed to certain kinds of program settings. For example, students attending the college literacy program focused on obtaining skills for entry into a post–secondary diploma program. These students also had significantly higher levels of formal education (10 years or more). In comparison, students in a school board program were often focused on more personal goals, such as greater independence with day–to–day literacy demands and assisting children at home. Compared to the college students, these students had minimal levels of formal education (eight years or less). One of the main conclusions drawn from the study was that there is a need to describe students' literacy education goals and expectations on a continuum that takes into account the students' own learning development and other societal factors that shape their needs.

An important addition to this brief examination of students is Blunt and Richards' (1998) study on the work values and life roles of marginalized adult learners in ABE programs in Saskatchewan. It is one of the few studies that linked employment issues with students in literacy programs. Using two different inventories, they found that both work values and life roles differ slightly amongst ethnic groups (status and non–status Indians, Metis, nonnative Canadian born and landed immigrants) and gender. Overall, the 136 adult learners ranked personal development, economics, and achievement as their top three work values; whereas risk, physical prowess, and cultural identity were ranked the lowest. When the data from ethnic sub-groups was analysed "large differences between groups were observed on several items" (p. 170). There were few gender-related differences on the work values scale, and subtle differences on the life roles scale. Conclusions focused on the need to consider ethnic differences in ABE programs that are geared to employment.

Based on the above studies, a very complex picture of students and their challenges has been created. It is also important to note that only a fraction of those identified as having literacy challenges (according to the IALS) actually attend a literacy program. Those who do participate in programs face a multitude of societal labels and issues, in addition to low literacy skills. The students who are the focus of this study share many of these realities. In addition, the studies pointed to a divide between perceptions of learning and literacy, in which literacy was aligned with schooling and skill building. The study will explore this divide.