Rouda's only paid work experience was occasional employment in childcare
facilities. But without recognized credentials, she could obtain only part–time
or occasional work. Her reason for entering the employment preparation program
was to obtain a job placement in one of the school board's
childcare sites. She explained that she also wanted to find a job in order
to be a positive role model for her children. She said she didn't want
her children to see her at home everyday and not working.
If the mother sit at home, not doing anything, you
know, she don't care about nothing, about work. So the children, they don't
focus on nothing at all. They think it is the same, like normal, when mommy
she is sitting so she is not doing nothing. When they grow up, maybe they take bad example
for you. Children, they learn from you, but if you're very, very careful,
your children take good example of you and also you get respect even.
Rouda is an honest, direct and sometimes outspoken woman who talks and
acts as if she doesn't care what people think of her, but can be very hurt
by the criticism of others. Although she is Somali and Muslim, she has
chosen not to wear the traditional hijab or head scarf. This choice once made her the
focus of comment and rebuke when she was in the general literacy program.
She continued not to wear a hijab but was visibly hurt and upset by the comments of her
Somali classmates.
Tom was 33 years old during the study. He has a mild developmental disability
and lives at home with his parents. He also receives a monthly disability
pension. He is a very easy–going and handsome man who readily smiles and is always offering
to help others. In the past, his parents have been very protective
of him and he has had to struggle to become more independent, to travel on buses alone,
to visit friends, and to attend school alone. His two sisters have
supported him with his gradual but steady progress towards a life that he alone controls.