To begin to develop a picture of the first of three settings in the employment
preparation program, two brief glimpses of the day–to–day routines of the
classroom have been created. These take the form of vignettes: the first is focused on
a vocabulary development activity; and the other is focused on a numeracy
activity. Following the vignettes, is an analysis of the content, context, community
of practice, and participation elements of the classroom setting.
Classroom Vignette One – Learning About Vocabulary
Hannah, Nadine and Marion, are working with five other students in the
higher–level group. They are focused on a vocabulary exercise, an activity that the
instructor, Suzanne, said is a highlight of their weekly schedule.
The activity has been photocopied from a commercially produced vocabulary development workbook.
Suzanne explained that her goal is to do one activity per week but
often a single lesson can last up to two weeks. The students have been studying words such
as exaggerate, mediocre, valid, and prominent for the past week and are
now preparing for a spelling dictation. Before the dictation though, the instructor leads
a variety of exercises to help them review and practice the words.
The group has gathered at the end of the cafeteria, behind a set of movable
partitions, and is clustered around two of the cafeteria tables that have been pulled
together. They are in the cafeteria because there isn't
enough space in their classroom for both instructors to work with the
higher and lower level groups at the same time. In the first part of the
activity, Suzanne points out the tricky parts in each word that make them difficult to
spell. She then tries to have the students connect the word to their daily
lives by having one of the students explain how they might use the word. Next, the students
are given the dictation. The dictation is done like a test and the students
work alone. A couple of students use their forearms to cover their pages to
ensure no one can take a peek. In the final part of the lesson, the students
use their dictation words to complete a fill–in–the–blank exercise
developed by the instructor. The sentences are related to the work the
students do in the coffee shop. For example, one sentence reads "Mrs. Jones remarked that
her muffins were only _______ and that she would try to make
them better next time." The students are permitted to discuss
the vocabulary with each other but not the spelling of each word. The
dictation and the fill–in–the–blank exercise are
then handed to the instructor for marking.