In the classroom setting of the employment preparation program, content
comprises the materials and knowledge of the setting. Knowledge is often related to
the students' experiences, as in the vocabulary and fractions activities, but there is a dictated
structure and approach to the activities that is rooted more in schooling experiences
than life experiences. Three mornings per week were devoted to subject–based, academic
skills, such as spelling, vocabulary, grammar, reading, math, and computers.
The fourth morning focused on employability skills, such as health and safety
issues, employee rights, and applying for a job. The students were divided
into two groups based on their reading and writing levels, which were
defined by their competencies in reading and writing skills, such as writing complete sentences,
using a dictionary to edit, and reading for understanding and comprehension
(Ontario Literacy Coalition, 2000). The lower level group encompassed
LBS levels 1+ and 2, and the higher–level group was defined by literacy skills at LBS 2+ and
3. LBS levels 1–5 parallel literacy skill requirements in Grades 1–10;
therefore, LBS level 2 is parallel to Grades 3–4, and LBS level 3 is parallel
to Grades 5–6, etc. Tom, Martha, Nadine, Rouda, and Maritza were in the lower level
group along with three other students. Hannah, Marion, and Nadine were
three of the eight students in the higher–level group.
Both classroom instructors relied on a variety of instructional materials that focused
mostly on the development of literacy skills and tasks. These materials included commercial workbooks
(like the vocabulary development activity) and reading books, their own hand–printed
or computer–printed worksheets (like the fractions activity), the coffee
shop curriculum that was developed by program instructors, and authentic materials
like forms, newspapers, and flyers. Occasionally, materials or tools that
were not print–based were also used. For example, Fran used a variety of kitchen
tools to help explain her lesson on fractions.
The context of the classroom comprises both physical and non–physical
elements. The physical elements can be found in a description of the class space,
its furnishings, décor, books, and tools. The non–physical elements are the
values, norms, and culture that are apparent in the setting. These are described based on the
level of importance that students and instructors assign to various classroom activities.