Activities for both groups were scheduled into time slots, and there were usually two main activity periods in the morning: one before break and one after. Students carried a copy of the schedule in their binders and a copy was also posted on the wall of the classroom behind one of the instructor's desks. Included in the weekly schedule was a time slot for the computer lab, spelling/vocabulary, reading/writing, and math. In both classes, the instructor (Fran for the lower level and Suzanne for the higher level) had set the schedule, but it was not strictly adhered to. The instructors were more than willing to address other issues on both a private and public level. For example, if a student needed help reading an official document, the instructor offered individual assistance during the break, after class or during class time. In addition, if a more common or public issue, such as a news event, was brought into the class, the instructors had on occasion disregarded all or part of the morning's schedule to focus on the issue.

Fran said her class was predominantly teacher led, as illustrated in the fraction lesson, but she encouraged students to work together, and strives to enhance this dynamic. Compared to her class, Suzanne thought that her students were more interactive and contributed more to learning decisions. She attributed this to "the nature of the group".

There is a global feeling there. Something that is solid, something has gelled—the identity with the group, the way that they work together—it all plays together, and I think it enhances each thing so both of them [the classroom and coffee shop] are positive experiences. They love the coffee shop. They are getting a lot out of that, and it's the same as the classroom as well. There is usually a good feeling. It just feels as if it is working and I don't know what that is. It is a combination of things. Last year was spotty. We had some people in there who kind of dragged down the dynamic a bit. This year it's working really well. They have common goals. They're supportive.

A clear purpose for learning in the classroom—an element of a community of practice —was viewed differently by the students and instructors. The instructors thought of the classroom activities as a learning base for the coffee shop activities. The students, on the other hand, did not see this link and viewed the two settings separately. Fran said that the strong link between the classroom and coffee shop provided the students with a more meaningful experience.