Values, norms and culture The coffee shop had two distinct learning areas: the front counter area
and the kitchen, which seemed to generate different but equally valuable kinds of learning.
In addition, it was in the coffee shop, and specifically the kitchen area,
their daily lives. When students were working at the counter, they were interacting
regularly with customers as they operated the cash register, and served coffee and
baked goods. The kitchen jobs, on the other hand, were more isolated
from customers. Although the jobs were quite different, students talked with
equal enthusiasm about the meaningfulness of their learning while working at the counter
and in the kitchen. All of the students enthusiastically shared stories
about their newly acquired baking skills and the success they experienced
when trying out these new skills at home. When talking about her children's
reaction to her baking, Hannah said, " While the kitchen jobs were valued for the skills the students could use
at home, the counter jobs were valued for the skills that could be used in
the workplace. Hannah clearly made this distinction. Although learning to
read recipes to bake and use the cash register were equally valuable to her,
they were valued for different reasons. Before, when I see some of my friends when they are working in the stores or doing something like that, I believe it is a hard job. But right now, I know I can do it like them. It makes me feel very nice because I believe it was something hard. I can't do it. But right now I know it's easy for me. I can do it. Stacey valued her new skills working at the counter and serving customers. When she first entered
the program, she chose to do jobs in the kitchen only, and was nervous about working at the counter
where she would have to interact with customers. After Carrie encouraged her
to work at the counter, this became her most valued learning experience in the coffee
shop. |
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