
Foremost, I would like to thank my research advisor, Dr. Maurice Taylor. With his support, encouragement, and ability to judge my readiness for greater challenges, I moved from the known and safe world of practice in adult literacy into the relative unknowns of research.

I also want to thank my committee members, Dr. Diana Masny and Dr. David Paré, whose diverse styles and approaches created an ideal support system for my initial foray into research. Dr. Masny pushed my thinking in new directions, while Dr. Paré ensured that the ideas were clearly stated and well connected. Thank you both.

I need to express my most sincere appreciation and gratitude to the instructors, students, and managers of the employment preparation program that was the focus of this study. I have been fortunate to be part of such a dynamic, creative, and caring workplace. Your unquestioning support, willingness to participate, and thoughtful comments made this work possible. I am particularly grateful to the students who gave their time, their ideas, and their stories so freely.

A special thank you to the other two members of the "triad"— Claire Smith and Terrie Lynn Thompson. I was so fortunate to have been able to find two people on the same academic path with whom I could connect so well. Our luncheons, dinners, and coffee meetings were the therapy sessions that got me through each step of this endeavor.

Finally, I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my husband, Dennis. He not only made me believe in myself, but he also helped me through the most difficult and desolate phases of such a long–term pursuit. His own graduate work was an example and inspiration to me. I am forever thankful.