Using the frameworks of situated learning and literacy to closely examine the employment preparation program revealed disconnects between the work settings (the coffee shop and job placements) and the class setting, and subsequently between the notions of learning literacy and learning about work. This became apparent; 1) when the funder's vision of literacy education was not realized through its success measures; 2) when literacy was viewed as "schooling", and learning was considered "doing"; 3) when a new literacy practice emerged from the coffee shop and not the classroom; 4) and when the original intentions of the program were different from its results. In addition, there was an issue that remained outside the ideas of situated learning and literacy, and that is an understanding of the individual and the personal factors that have an effect on his or her learning.

Among the study's contributions is a clearer conceptualization of a broad definition of literacy, in which the development of literacy practices becomes the focus for supporting the development of adult literacy education. In addition, contributions to program development discuss a new role for a classroom setting, and the supports needed to help students develop new literacy practices in that setting. Policy contributions examine the role of the provincial program funder and how it has a structure to support the development of a practice–based approach in adult literacy education. Finally, contributions to research propose the use of an analytical tool to further understand sociocultural learning, and specifically literacy and learning practices, in adult literacy programs.