b) If it had to be in small groups (like this) what would be good/bad about this?
Youth Haven and Tracks
- small groups are ok
- one to one is too intense
- (response) Yeah, but you need some one to one time, or what happens if you
get lost or don't get it?
- good because other people ask same questions you want answers to. Don't feel
stupid that way.
9. What would make you want to drop out of a learning
Youth Haven and Tracks
- teacher with bad attitude - power trips or judging
- boredom, pointless learning
- need a job/ money
- not learning enough! fast enough (frustration)
10. What would make you want to stay with a learning program?
Youth Haven and Tracks
- getting paid, getting job experience
- recognition like a diploma or a reference letter
- good teacher
- interesting activities, fun
- feeling like I was getting somewhere
- co-op kind of program, but not in a high school