(E) Individual Interviews:
Each individual interview lasted approximately 15 minutes. I went over
each participant's demographic information, and several asked me to fill out the
sheets while they verbally gave me the responses. The remaining questions
in the individual interviews are as follows, with a sampling of responses (many
responses were similar, and are thus not individually reported):
1) Anything you want to add that maybe didn't feel ok to say in the
- there should be better LD classes in schools
- I am actually really interested in upgrading my reading and writing
- School sucks, and I only came today because of the $30.00
- I liked being at the learning centre, better than school
- I think the video idea is cool. I'd sign up, but its in Barrie, right?
- I like doing creative and outdoors things - drawing/ art/ travel
- trouble with depression, anxiety, fitting in, sitting still etc …
2) What, about learning or jobs, ticks you off?
- discrimination and judgements, racism
- strict teachers who don't listen to what you are saying
- people not trusting me/ respecting me
- dead end jobs with bad pay
- no one to help you
- teachers who don't know or care about what they are teaching
3) What makes your day?
- these were very individual responses, usually tied into the next question …
4) I am interested in…
- photography, art, music, tv
- native/cultural studies
- technology
- sports, body-building, basketball
- video-making
- helping people
- horses and other animals
- getting a good job