Before You Start…
- The following schedule was designed for use during our pilot project,
which ran 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, for four weeks.
Depending on how your program is set up, you can follow this
schedule verbatim, or divide the days and reorder the activities
within each day a much as you need to.
- However, keep in mind that some activities have two or three parts;
hence if you reorganize the daily plan, just make sure that any
antecendents to the activities have already been completed!
- Throughout the schedule, you will see a title or description of an
activity, followed by some short instructions. If it also says: (See
Activity Sheets), you know that there is an accompanying Activity
Sheet(s) for students and instructors. These sheets contain further
directions! The activity sheets are contained in the divider pocket at
the end of each weekly section of the schedule.