7) Photo Walk-about: Students can choose to play with one of the technical variables they have researched on the internet. Location will be chosen as whole group, but cameras will be loaded with different ISO films, and students can experiment individually with composition and lighting variables. Remember to use the *Photo Record Sheets: Activity Sheet).

8) Wrap up and Review plan for Field Trip(s). Ask students to bring in a special or favourite photograph from home for tomorrow.

DAY 6:

1) Check In: Share favourite personal photographs, and use the content of the photograph as a writing starter (perhaps write a letter to the person in the photograph - even if it is the student at an earlier stage of life, - have student write letter to his/her earlier self)

2) Return Photo Walkabout prints (or download and standard print digital images)

3) Have students explore critiquing their photographs:

  1. Each student will choose a photo she/he likes and dislikes
  2. Verbally explore why - remind students to use concepts of lighting, composition and focus when thinking about why one photo is "good" and another one "not as good".
  3. Have students mount their favourite shot, hang in student gallery, and present it to the group. File remaining shots in portfolio.
  4. Group critiques can follow - keep focused on positive feedback

4) Story Sequencing Game. *(See Activity Sheets)

5) Break

6) Photo Walk-About *(See Activity Sheets, Week One) Choose a new focus, or carry on with composition/ lighting experiments