Story Sequence Game

Cut up each of the story rectangles. Distribute one to each student. Ask students to line up (in any order) and read out their story segment. Students keep switching places with each other and re-reading until the story makes sense!

Students can repeat this activity with their own stories written on index cards.

Remarkably, the bus was waiting, just idling when she ran up to the stop. Shoot! The digital clock read 8:30 and she only had 15 minutes to get out the door.
She stretched a bit shivering in the cold air, and looked at the time. “You won't be late for work, unless you're on the early shift. It’s only 6:45, my dear”
“WHAT?” Katherine screeched. “But my clock said 8:30 when I woke up! How could ...” Katherine rolled out of bed.
The bus driver laughed. “Power outage last night - you must have one of those electric clock that flashes the time when the power stopped!” Katherine was in such a rush that she didn't notice the time on the old kitchen clock when she flew out the door.
She had already been late once and knew that her boss was a one warning kind of guy. The bus driver looked surprised to see her, and said “Hey, what are you rushing for?”