Adjective + Preposition Follow Up
Complete the sentences below using the following adjective and preposition phrases:
polite to keen on nice of satisfied with good at
frustrated with interested in surprised at worried about
wrong with scared of disappointed with different from
- My girlfriend is very
losing her apartment.
- I’m hoping to find a job at a tattoo store, because I am
- Jeff is
how much he likes photography.
- There is nothing
Sue’s resume, so she is going to fax it
- It can be hard to be
customers when they are bring rude.
- I’m not too
staying in this town, unless I can find a good
- Don’t bother me, I’m really
the world today.
- Kelly is in a band, and is
having us over to take some
promo shots.
- I like photography, but I am sometimes
the way my photos
turn out.
- Our instructor explained that photographs sometimes turn out quite
what you are expecting
- I’m not
my job, so I am going back to school to improve
my computer skills.
- Thanks a lot. It was very
you to give me a ride downtown