This monograph presents 10 international indicators that allow readers to compare the literacy proficiency of Canadians and Americans with that of populations of other countries. The findings confirm that low literacy is an important issue in all regions and countries surveyed. But there are both countries that do better and countries that do worse than either Canada or the United States. Understanding why these differences have occurred, and particularly, what policies may have contributed to success and failure, is an important consideration.
Drawing on the results of the International Adult Literacy Survey, on the findings of previous research, and on the collective experience of Member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), this monograph concludes with a proposal for 10 targets and tools for improving literacy. While not all will carry equal weight in national and state provincial strategies, each will have to be considered as part of a comprehensive and encompassing plan of action for building a truly literate North America.
Ronald S. Pugsley
Division of Adult Education and Literacy
Office of Vocational and Adult Education
United States Department of Education
T. Scott Murray
Director General
Statistique sociale et des institutions
Statistics Canada
Allen Zeesman
Acting Director General
Applied Research Branch
Strategic Policy
Human Resources Development Canada