TABLE 8 (concluded)

Inequality in the distribution of literacy (90th percentile/10th percentile) within countries for prose, document and quantitative scales, population aged 26-65, 1994-1998

  10th percentile 90th percentile Literacy inequality
C. Quantitative      
Chile 101.9 288.2 2.8
Poland 121.0 311.0 2.6
Portugal 121.7 306.0 2.5
Slovenia 129.1 315.2 2.4
Italy 144.7 317.7 2.2
Unites States 183.0 355.0 1.9
Ireland 173.8 335.1 1.9
Average 179.7 346.2 1.9
United Kingdom 185.0 344.0 1.9
Canada 192.2 352.8 1.8
Australia 189.2 343.3 1.8
Switzerland 187.9 339.0 1.8
Belgium (Flanders) 194.9 347.0 1.8
New Zealand 194.4 334.9 1.7
Hungary 194.9 330.1 1.7
Czech Republic 230.2 358.8 1.6
Finland 221.0 339.4 1.5
Sweden 239.9 367.0 1.5
Netherlands 225.0 338.9 1.5
Norway 235.7 349.3 1.5
Denmark 238.4 349.7 1.5
Germany 236.6 345.8 1.5


Source: International Adult Literacy Survey, 1994-1998.