Annex A
Tables for Chapter 1

Table 1.1

Comparisons of provinces and territories based on average
proficiency scores, by domain, population 16 and over, 2003
Confidence interval –
95% upper limit
Confidence interval –
95% lower limit
A. Prose
Yukon 292 (1.7) 296 289
Saskatchewan 283 (2.2) 288 279
Alberta 283 (1.9) 286 279
British Columbia 281 (1.2) 283 279
Nova Scotia 276 (1.9) 280 273
Northwest Territories 275 (2.4) 280 271
Manitoba 274 (1.7) 277 270
Prince Edward Island 272 (2.6) 277 267
Canada 272 (0.7) 274 271
Ontario 270 (1.4) 273 267
Quebec 266 (1.2) 269 264
New Brunswick 264 (2.1) 268 260
Newfoundland and Labrador 263 (2.0) 267 259
Nunavut 230 (2.5) 235 225
B. Document
Yukon 290 (2.0) 294 286
Alberta 283 (1.8) 287 279
Saskatchewan 282 (2.2) 286 277
British Columbia 282 (1.4) 284 279
Northwest Territories 275 (2.2) 279 271
Nova Scotia 274 (1.9) 278 271
Manitoba 273 (1.5) 276 270
Canada 271 (0.6) 272 270
Prince Edward Island 270 (2.8) 276 265
Ontario 270 (1.3) 272 267
Quebec 263 (1.4) 266 260
New Brunswick 261 (2.4) 266 256
Newfoundland and Labrador 261 (2.1) 265 257
Nunavut 232 (3.0) 238 226
C. Numeracy
Yukon 280 (1.8) 283 276
Alberta 274 (1.8) 277 270
Saskatchewan 272 (2.0) 276 268
British Columbia 272 (1.3) 274 269
Northwest Territories 265 (2.1) 269 260
Canada 263 (0.8) 265 262
Nova Scotia 262 (1.6) 265 259
Manitoba 262 (1.6) 265 259
Ontario 261 (1.5) 264 258
Prince Edward Island 260 (2.5) 265 255
Quebec 259 (1.3) 262 257
New Brunswick 252 (2.4) 257 247
Newfoundland and Labrador 251 (2.0) 255 247
Nunavut 219 (3.1) 225 212