
  1. A thematic report devoted to official language minorities will examine in detail the factors that may explain these differences.
  2. References made to the non-Aboriginal population of Manitoba and Saskatchewan includes respondents from urban and non-urban areas.
  3. The data discussed in this section have not been age standardized to remove the effect of age differences.


Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Recent Immigrants in Metropolitan Areas: Canada – A comparative profile based on the 2001 Census. April 2005, p.23.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Facts and Figures, 2004 – Digital Library. September 2005.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (2004), Facts and figures 2004. Ottawa: Strategic Research and Evaluation, Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Denton, F., Feaver, F., and Spencer, B. Immigration and Population Aging. Canadian Business Economics, February 1999.

Green, D., and Christopher Worswick, Earnings of Immigrant Men in Canada: The Roles of Labour Market Entry Effects and Returns to Foreign Experience. Citizenship and Immigration Canada, December 2002.