1. Martin Loney, "A Political Economy of Citizen Participation" in The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977), p. 452; Pierre Dandurand, "The State and Labor Force Qualification: Manpower Training Programs for Adults in Canada" in Antonia Kloslowska and Guido Martinotti (eds.) Education in a Changing Society (London: SAGE Publications, Ltd., 1977), p. 218.

2. Loney, ibid., p. 451-459.

3. Ibid., p. 464-466.

4. Silver Donald Cameron, The Education of Everett Richardson: The Nova Scotia Fishermen's Strike, 1970-71 (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1977).

5. Cy Gonick, Inflation or Depression (Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 1975), p. 370-375.

6. W. Michael Brooke, "Editorial," B.T.S.D. Review 1:2 (January 1973).

7. D'Arcy Martin, "Reappraising Freire: The Potential and Limits of Conscientization," Masters Thesis, University of Toronto, 1975, p. 106.

8. Ibid., "Introdution."

9. Ibid., "Introdution."

10. See, for example, Paulo Freire, Pedagogy in Process (New York: The Seabury Press, 1978); and Robert Mackie, "Contributions to the Thought of Paulo Freire" in Robert Mackie (ed.) Literacy and Revolution: the Pedagogy of Paulo Freire (London: Pluto Press, (1980).

11. Anthony R. Berezowecki, "Liberation or Domestication: Adult Basis Education in Canada," Literacy Discussion 5:4 (1974), p. 610.

12. Paul Bèlanger, "Epilogue," Literacy Discussion 5:4 (1974), p. 68.

13. Berezowecki, op.cit., p. 613.

14. Belanger, op.cit., p. 680.

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