- data analysis math (analysis of numerical data)
- analysis of statistics
- determining what is higher, lower or bigger, smaller
- compare a numerical read-out to a range of numbers considered
- compare rates, averages, etc.
- calculate average rates of return on investments
- compare monthly sales volumes
- make projections
- calculate impacts of different variables on pay and benefits
- numerical estimation (tasks that involve any estimation that results
in a number)
- estimate amount of material to be used
- estimate time a task will take
- estimate costs
- estimate load weights
- estimate numbers of workers required
- estimate time available
- estimate amounts that can be produced from raw materials
- estimate number that will be sold
Some considerations:
- specific math skills or knowledge required to complete a task (e.g.)
how to work with fractions, decimals, percentages, probability, geometry,
trigonometry, conversions, etc.
- how to use measurement tools and computing instruments
Oral Communication
Oral Communication refers to the use of speech to give and exchange
thoughts and information by workers. It also refers to receiving information
(via signals) and to listening. Types of oral communication:
- listening with little or no interaction (listening to voice mail)
- speaking with little or no interaction (making announcements, leaving
voice messages)
- listening to and speaking with co-workers
- interacting with those the worker supervises
- interacting with supervisors
- interacting with clients, customers, the general public
- interacting with outside agents such as suppliers or service people
- participating in group discussions
- presenting information to large or small groups
Workers engage in oral communication:
- to take messages
- to seek or obtain information
- to reassure or comfort
- to persuade
- to instruct
- to entertain
- to receive information or explanations
- to coordinate work with others
- to exchange opinions (to discuss)
- to facilitate or lead a group
- to negotiate
- to provide information or explanations
Oral communication can involve exchanges that occur in person, via the
telephone, by radio, or through hand or other kinds of signals. |