Some Possible Uses for Flow Charts in Training
- to reinforce or assess a trainee’s understanding by having
the trainee flowchart the process or procedure being taught
- to teach a process or procedure to trainees by presenting the concepts
via a flowchart
- to address problem solving
- to address decision making
- to organize production and assign tasks
- to depict the “big picture” (process or workplace)
- to address use of symbols
- to teach industry-specific terminology
SkillBuilders and integrated strategies:
A SkillBuilder is:
- any means by which skills are developed
- can be a lecture, demonstration, module, textbook excerpt, hand-out,
learner presentation, self-directed research assignment, hands-on activity,
- can target any skill area (technical or workplace essential skills)
- can be wide ranging (a full document navigation module with assignments)
or quick and targeted (how to sharpen a saw blade, how to add fractions)
- once WES SkillBuilders are developed, they can be used across programs
(with perhaps specific examples being changed to suit specific job contexts),
For example, a Skillbuilder addressing regulations is useful in many
programs – only the specific regulations used as models and for
exercises will change.