- Design curricula that incorporates workplace essential skills
instruction and uses authentic workplace materials.
Strategies to splice in workplace essential skills
- Here is where we now layout out the curriculum
- The aim of customizing is to integrate relevant materials selectively
as needed by the learners.
- In other words we splice in the essential skills required.
- Consider how much time should be allocated to teaching these
- Prioritize.
Reading Strategy
- Reading Profile
–Scan for specific information, locate,
–Example: Manuals, Specifications, Regulations
- Lesson on scanning (scanning is reading to locate specific information
or details)
- (e.g.) Use a Safety Orientation Reference Handbook.
- Teach these processes using authentic workplace reading materials.
Document Use Strategy
- Document Use Profile
–Complete forms by marking check boxes,
recording numerical information or entering words, phrases, or
–Example: timesheet
- Lesson on lists
–Practice with actual time sheet.
- Most forms use a table format and table conventions can and
should be taught.
- Tables are simply lists - when 2 or more simple lists are combined,
the resulting document is a table.
- Intersecting lists: 2 starting points, vertical and horizontal
axis. (It is not uncommon for students to have difficulty reading
or filling in tables.)